We're big fans of pancakes here in our house and these tasty American or drop (as they're often called) pancakes are on the breakfast menu most weekend mornings. They're really easy and in fact taste even better if you can prepare them the night before. This mixture makes enough for two mornings so if you can get them ready on Friday evening, you're sorted for weekend breakfasts.
You can even freeze the mixture in freezer bags. We've done this when were going away camping for a night. The mixture will be defrosted in the morning, simple snip off a corner and pipe the mixture into the frying pan.
Also know as drop or American pancakes, these are a tasty alternative to cereals at breakfast.

Place all the ingredients in a mixer and whisk until the mixture is a smooth, thick batter.
Warm the coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat.
With a tablespoon, drop some of the pancake mixture into the pan. You should fit around four in the pan at a time. They will expand a little so allow enough room.
Cook for about two minutes (you'll start to see little bubbles appear on the top) and then turn over.
Cook for a further couple of minutes.
Serve with golden syrup or berry compote or alternatively with banana and peanut butter for a healthier treat.
This recipe is something any child aged eight or over can easily prepare and cook on their own. Adult supervision will be needed when actually cooking them as the oil can get quite hot and when they are turned over, teach them to watch their eyes and their clothes.
Place all the ingredients in a mixer and whisk until the mixture is a smooth, thick batter.
Warm the coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat.
With a tablespoon, drop some of the pancake mixture into the pan. You should fit around four in the pan at a time. They will expand a little so allow enough room.
Cook for about two minutes (you'll start to see little bubbles appear on the top) and then turn over.
Cook for a further couple of minutes.
Serve with golden syrup or berry compote or alternatively with banana and peanut butter for a healthier treat.