This fresh herb pesto recipe is really easy to make, really tasty and a great alternative to expensive shop-bought pesto. You don't have to be precise and scientific about the ingredients and can vary the amount and type of herbs to taste and availability.
You can use the pesto in all kinds of dishes including pasta, added to soups, dressings and as a dip with lovely fresh bread.

Wash and spin dry the leaves (or pat gently with kitchen roll if you don't have a salad spinner)
Chop finely including the stalks
Finely chop the garlic
Put the leaves, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper into a food processor, cover with the oil (alternatively drizzle the oil in slowly through the top of the lid of the processor when blending)
Process on high for a minute or so until well blended (this may be more or less depending on the power of your processor). You are aiming for a nice green purée - don't over blend or you will lose the green colour.
Leave to stand for a few minutes, taste and adjust the seasoning to taste
Use immediately or put into an air tight jar (topping up with a small layer of oil) and place in the refrigerator. You can keep it for up to a week like this.
Our eldest can make this on her own and the youngest two can do a lot of it with a little help from us when chopping the herbs and garlic. They all love turning on the food processor and watching the colour!
Wash and spin dry the leaves (or pat gently with kitchen roll if you don't have a salad spinner)
Chop finely including the stalks
Finely chop the garlic
Put the leaves, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper into a food processor, cover with the oil (alternatively drizzle the oil in slowly through the top of the lid of the processor when blending)
Process on high for a minute or so until well blended (this may be more or less depending on the power of your processor). You are aiming for a nice green purée - don't over blend or you will lose the green colour.
Leave to stand for a few minutes, taste and adjust the seasoning to taste
Use immediately or put into an air tight jar (topping up with a small layer of oil) and place in the refrigerator. You can keep it for up to a week like this.